Friday, January 4, 2008

Very Windy on the Homestead Tonight

Well, I am staying up late tonight to monitor my new property for wind damage and flooding from the creek that leads into my pond. It is 4:30 am and other than a lot of wind, no rain has come yet from the 2nd storm that is starting to roll in. My only concern is my spillway to my dam not letting the water out fast enough, but I have all the blocking boards removed. I can hear the winds blowing outside. The wind may get as big as 60 knot peaks at times in the foothills.

I have my generator full of gas and fresh batteries for my flashlight.

I place all outside chairs and tables inside the barn including all trash cans.

Only thing I could not get secured totally was the trailer awning. It is stuck in a 1/2 extended position. So it may get damaged some. It needs to be replaced anyway.

That is it for now.

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